2. Advanced Example

In this example we’ll create an ensemble of Neural Density Estimators to do an LFI (likelihood-free inference) estimate of the density of

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import getdist
from getdist import plots, MCSamples
import tensorflow as tf
import pickle

Now, let’s load up the pydelfi library.

import pydelfi.distributions.priors as priors
import pydelfi.ndes.ndes as ndes
import pydelfi as delfi
import pydelfi.simulators.cosmic_shear.cosmic_shear as cosmic_shear
import pydelfi.compression.score.score as score

Here, we will focus on the simulator for cosmic shear. First, let’s generate some power spectrum between l=10 and 1000. Here, pz is the photo-z distribution. Here, we’ll set up :python:`simulator` as a function that calls the power spectrum simulator.

# Set up the tomography simulations
CosmicShearSimulator = cosmic_shear.TomographicCosmicShear(
    pz = pickle.load(open('pydelfi2/pydelfi/simulators/cosmic_shear/pz_5bin.pkl', 'rb')),
    lmin = 10, lmax = 1000, n_ell_bins = 5,
    sigma_e = 0.3, nbar = 30, Area = 15000)

# Simulator function: This must be of the form simulator(theta, seed, args) -> simulated data vector
def simulator(theta, seed, simulator_args, batch=1):
    return CosmicShearSimulator.simulate(theta, seed)

# Simulator arguments
simulator_args = None

Generally you would like a weakly informated prior. For our NDE, we define truncated Gaussian priors. The following variables declare our truncation bounds as well as the prior mean and convariance, over the following Cosmological parameters: Omega_M, S_8, Omega_b, h, and n_S.

# Define the priors parameters
lower = np.array([0, 0.4, 0, 0.4, 0.7])
upper = np.array([1, 1.2, 0.1, 1.0, 1.3])
prior_mean = np.array([0.3, 0.8, 0.05, 0.70, 0.96])
prior_covariance = np.eye(5)*np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.05, 0.3, 0.3])**2

# Prior
prior = priors.TruncatedGaussian(prior_mean, prior_covariance, lower, upper)

We work in the idealized case where sampling distribution for each l bin in our power spectra is Wishart. In other words, we compress our data as if it were a Wishart distributed. (Each l-bin is a Wishart distributed.)

# Fiducial parameters
theta_fiducial = np.array([0.3, 0.8, 0.05, 0.70, 0.96])

# Expected support of Wishart likelihood (fiducial inverse power spectrum)
C = CosmicShearSimulator.power_spectrum(theta_fiducial)
Cinv = np.array([np.linalg.inv(C[l,:,:]) for l in range(CosmicShearSimulator.n_ell_bins)])

# Degrees of freedom (effective number of modes per band power)
nl = CosmicShearSimulator.nl

# Calculate derivatives of the expected power spectrum
step = np.array(abs(theta_fiducial)*np.array([0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05]))
dCdt = CosmicShearSimulator.compute_derivatives(theta_fiducial, step)

# Define compression as score-MLE of a Wishart likelihood
Compressor = score.Wishart(theta_fiducial, nl, Cinv, dCdt, prior_mean=prior_mean, prior_covariance=prior_covariance)

# Pull out Fisher matrix inverse
Finv = Compressor.Finv

# Compressor function: This must have the form compressor(data, args) -> compressed summaries (pseudoMLE)
def compressor(d, compressor_args):
    return Compressor.scoreMLE(d)
compressor_args = None


seed = 0
data = simulator(theta_fiducial, seed, simulator_args)
compressed_data = compressor(data, compressor_args)


     # Create an ensemble of NDEs
NDEs = [ndes.ConditionalMaskedAutoregressiveFlow(n_parameters=5, n_data=5, n_hiddens=[50,50], n_mades=5, act_fun=tf.tanh, index=0),
        ndes.MixtureDensityNetwork(n_parameters=5, n_data=5, n_components=1, n_hidden=[30,30], activations=[tf.tanh, tf.tanh], index=1),
        ndes.MixtureDensityNetwork(n_parameters=5, n_data=5, n_components=2, n_hidden=[30,30], activations=[tf.tanh, tf.tanh], index=2),
        ndes.MixtureDensityNetwork(n_parameters=5, n_data=5, n_components=3, n_hidden=[30,30], activations=[tf.tanh, tf.tanh], index=3),
        ndes.MixtureDensityNetwork(n_parameters=5, n_data=5, n_components=4, n_hidden=[30,30], activations=[tf.tanh, tf.tanh], index=4),
        ndes.MixtureDensityNetwork(n_parameters=5, n_data=5, n_components=5, n_hidden=[30,30], activations=[tf.tanh, tf.tanh], index=5)]

# Create the DELFI object
DelfiEnsemble = delfi.Delfi(compressed_data, prior, NDEs, Finv=Finv, theta_fiducial=theta_fiducial,
                       param_limits = [lower, upper],
                       param_names = ['\Omega_m', 'S_8', '\Omega_b', 'h', 'n_s'],
                       results_dir = "pydelfi2/pydelfi/simulators/cosmic_shear/results/",


# Do the Fisher pre-training


# Initial samples, batch size for population samples, number of populations
n_initial = 200
n_batch = 200
n_populations = 39

# Do the SNL training
DelfiEnsemble.sequential_training(simulator, compressor, n_initial, n_batch, n_populations, patience=10, save_intermediate_posteriors=True)