Source code for pydelfi.delfi

import tensorflow as tf
import getdist
from getdist import plots, MCSamples
import pydelfi.ndes
import pydelfi.train
import emcee
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import pydelfi.priors as priors
import numpy as np
from import tqdm
import scipy.optimize as optimization
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
import pickle

[docs]class Delfi(): def __init__(self, data, prior, nde, \ Finv = None, theta_fiducial = None, param_limits = None, param_names = None, nwalkers = 100, \ posterior_chain_length = 1000, proposal_chain_length = 100, \ rank = 0, n_procs = 1, comm = None, red_op = None, \ show_plot = True, results_dir = "", progress_bar = True, input_normalization = None, graph_restore_filename = "graph_checkpoint", restore_filename = "restore.pkl", restore = False, save = True): # Input validation for i in range(len(nde)): # Check all NDEs expect same number of parameters if nde[0].n_parameters != nde[i].n_parameters: err_msg = 'NDEs have inconsistent parameter counts. ' + \ 'NDE 0: {:d} pars; NDE {:d}: {:d} pars.' raise ValueError(err_msg.format(nde[0].n_parameters, \ i, nde[i].n_parameters)) # Check all NDEs expect same data length if nde[0].n_data != nde[i].n_data: err_msg = 'NDEs have inconsistent data counts. ' + \ 'NDE 0: {:d} data; NDE {:d}: {:d} data.' raise ValueError(err_msg.format(nde[0].n_data, \ i, nde[i].n_data)) # Check length of data provided is consistent with NDE # expectations if nde[i].n_data != len(data): err_msg = 'inconsistent compressed data lengths. ' + \ 'Compressed data have shape' + \ str(data.shape) + \ '; NDE {:d} expects length {:d}.' raise ValueError(err_msg.format(i, nde[i].n_data)) # Data = data self.D = len(data) # Prior self.prior = prior # Number of parameters self.npar = nde[0].n_parameters # Initialize the NDEs, trainers, and stacking weights (for stacked density estimators) self.n_ndes = len(nde) self.nde = nde self.trainer = [pydelfi.train.ConditionalTrainer(nde[i]) for i in range(self.n_ndes)] self.stacking_weights = np.zeros(self.n_ndes) # Tensorflow session for the NDE training self.sess = tf.Session(config = tf.ConfigProto()) # Parameter limits if param_limits is not None: # Set to provided prior limits if provided self.lower = param_limits[0] self.upper = param_limits[1] else: # Else set to max and min float32 self.lower = np.ones(self.npar)*np.finfo(np.float32).min self.upper = np.ones(self.npar)*np.finfo(np.float32).max # Fisher matrix and fiducial parameters if Finv is not None: self.Finv = Finv self.fisher_errors = np.sqrt(np.diag(self.Finv)) self.theta_fiducial = theta_fiducial self.asymptotic_posterior = priors.TruncatedGaussian(self.theta_fiducial, self.Finv, self.lower, self.upper) else: self.Finv = None self.fisher_errors = None self.theta_fiducial = None self.asymptotic_posterior = None # Re-scaling for inputs to NDE self.input_normalization = input_normalization if input_normalization is None: self.x_mean = np.zeros(self.D) self.x_std = np.ones(self.D) self.p_mean = np.zeros(self.npar) self.p_std = np.ones(self.npar) elif input_normalization is 'fisher': self.x_mean = self.theta_fiducial self.x_std = self.fisher_errors self.p_mean = self.theta_fiducial self.p_std = self.fisher_errors else: self.x_mean, self.x_std, self.p_mean, self.p_std = input_normalization # Training data [initialize empty] = np.array([]).reshape(0,self.npar) self.xs = np.array([]).reshape(0,self.D) self.x_train = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = (None, self.npar)) self.y_train = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = (None, self.D)) self.n_sims = 0 # MCMC chain parameters for EMCEE self.nwalkers = nwalkers self.posterior_chain_length = posterior_chain_length self.proposal_chain_length = proposal_chain_length # Initialize MCMC chains for posterior and proposal if self.asymptotic_posterior is not None: self.posterior_samples = np.array([self.asymptotic_posterior.draw() for i in range(self.nwalkers*self.posterior_chain_length)]) self.proposal_samples = np.array([self.asymptotic_posterior.draw() for i in range(self.nwalkers*self.proposal_chain_length)]) else: self.posterior_samples = np.array([self.prior.draw() for i in range(self.nwalkers*self.posterior_chain_length)]) self.proposal_samples = np.array([self.prior.draw() for i in range(self.nwalkers*self.proposal_chain_length)]) self.posterior_weights = np.ones(len(self.posterior_samples))*1.0/len(self.posterior_samples) self.proposal_weights = np.ones(len(self.proposal_samples))*1.0/len(self.proposal_samples) # Parameter names and ranges for plotting with GetDist self.names = param_names self.labels = param_names self.ranges = dict(zip(param_names, [ [self.lower[i], self.upper[i]] for i in range(self.npar) ])) self.show_plot = show_plot # Results directory self.results_dir = results_dir # Training loss, validation loss self.training_loss = [np.array([]) for i in range(self.n_ndes)] self.validation_loss = [np.array([]) for i in range(self.n_ndes)] self.stacked_sequential_training_loss = [] self.stacked_sequential_validation_loss = [] self.sequential_nsims = [] # MPI-specific setup self.rank = rank self.n_procs = n_procs if n_procs > 1: self.use_mpi = True self.comm = comm self.red_op = red_op else: self.use_mpi = False # Show progress bars? self.progress_bar = progress_bar # Filenames for saving/restoring graph and attributes self.graph_restore_filename = results_dir + graph_restore_filename self.restore_filename = results_dir + restore_filename # Save attributes of the ojbect as you go? = save # Restore the graph and dynamic object attributes if restore = True if restore == True: # Restore the graph saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(self.sess, self.graph_restore_filename) # Restore the dynamic object attributes self.stacking_weights, self.posterior_samples, self.posterior_weights, self.proposal_samples, self.proposal_weights, self.training_loss, self.validation_loss, self.stacked_sequential_training_loss, self.stacked_sequential_validation_loss, self.sequential_nsims,, self.xs, self.x_mean, self.x_std, self.p_mean, self.p_std = pickle.load(open(self.restore_filename, 'rb')) # Save object attributes
[docs] def saver(self): f = open(self.restore_filename, 'wb') pickle.dump([self.stacking_weights, self.posterior_samples, self.posterior_weights, self.proposal_samples, self.proposal_weights, self.training_loss, self.validation_loss, self.stacked_sequential_training_loss, self.stacked_sequential_validation_loss, self.sequential_nsims,, self.xs, self.x_mean, self.x_std, self.p_mean, self.p_std], f) f.close()
# Divide list of jobs between MPI processes
[docs] def allocate_jobs(self, n_jobs): n_j_allocated = 0 for i in range(self.n_procs): n_j_remain = n_jobs - n_j_allocated n_p_remain = self.n_procs - i n_j_to_allocate = int(n_j_remain / n_p_remain) if self.rank == i: return range(n_j_allocated, \ n_j_allocated + n_j_to_allocate) n_j_allocated += n_j_to_allocate
# Combine arrays from all processes assuming # 1) array was initially zero # 2) each process has edited a unique slice of the array
[docs] def complete_array(self, target_distrib): if self.use_mpi: target = np.zeros(target_distrib.shape, \ dtype=target_distrib.dtype) self.comm.Allreduce(target_distrib, target, \ op=self.red_op) else: target = target_distrib return target
# NDE log likelihood (individual NDE)
[docs] def log_likelihood_individual(self, i, theta, data): lnL = self.nde[i].eval((np.atleast_2d((theta-self.p_mean)/self.p_std), np.atleast_2d((data-self.x_mean)/self.x_std)), self.sess) return lnL
# NDE log likelihood (stacked)
[docs] def log_likelihood_stacked(self, theta, data): # Stack the likelihoods L = 0 for n in range(self.n_ndes): L += self.stacking_weights[n]*np.exp(self.nde[n].eval((np.atleast_2d((theta-self.p_mean)/self.p_std), np.atleast_2d((data-self.x_mean)/self.x_std)), self.sess)) lnL = np.log(L) lnL[np.isnan(lnL)[:,0],:] = -1e300 return lnL
# Log posterior (stacked)
[docs] def log_posterior_stacked(self, theta, data): return self.log_likelihood_stacked(theta, data) + self.prior.logpdf(np.atleast_2d(theta))
# Log posterior (individual)
[docs] def log_posterior_individual(self, i, theta, data): return self.log_likelihood_individual(i, theta, data) + self.prior.logpdf(np.atleast_2d(theta))
# Log posterior
[docs] def log_geometric_mean_proposal_stacked(self, x, data): return 0.5 * (self.log_likelihood_stacked(x, data) + 2 * self.prior.logpdf(np.atleast_2d(x)) )
# Bayesian optimization acquisition function
[docs] def acquisition(self, theta): # Compute log_posteriors Ls = np.array([self.log_posterior_individual(i, theta) for i in range(self.n_ndes)]) # Check whether prior is zero or not return self.log_posterior_stacked(theta)*np.sqrt(np.average((Ls - np.average(Ls, weights = self.stacking_weights, axis=0))**2, weights=self.stacking_weights, axis=0))
# Bayesian optimization training
[docs] def bayesian_optimization_training(self, simulator, compressor, n_batch, n_populations, n_optimizations = 10, \ simulator_args = None, compressor_args = None, plot = False, batch_size = 100, \ validation_split = 0.1, epochs = 300, patience = 20, seed_generator = None, \ save_intermediate_posteriors = False, sub_batch = 1): # Loop over n_populations for i in range(n_populations): # Find acquisition point... print('Finding optimal acquisition point...') A_optimal = 0 theta_optimal = self.theta_fiducial for i in range(n_optimizations): res = optimization.basinhopping(lambda x: -self.acquisition(x), x0=self.theta_fiducial) if < A_optimal: A_optimal = theta_optimal = res.x # Array of parameters to run simulations ps = np.array([theta_optimal for k in range(n_batch)]) # Run a small batch of simulations at the acquisition point xs_batch, ps_batch = self.run_simulation_batch(n_batch, ps, simulator, compressor, simulator_args, compressor_args, seed_generator = seed_generator, sub_batch = sub_batch) # Augment the training data self.add_simulations(xs_batch, ps_batch) # Re-train the networks self.train_ndes(training_data=[self.x_train, self.y_train], batch_size=max(self.n_sims//8, batch_size), validation_split=validation_split, epochs=epochs, patience=patience) # Save the losses self.stacked_sequential_training_loss.append(np.sum(np.array([self.training_loss[n][-1]*self.stacking_weights[n] for n in range(self.n_ndes)]))) self.stacked_sequential_validation_loss.append(np.sum(np.array([self.validation_loss[n][-1]*self.stacking_weights[n] for n in range(self.n_ndes)]))) self.sequential_nsims.append(self.n_sims) # Save attributes if save == True if == True: self.saver()
# Run n_batch simulations
[docs] def run_simulation_batch(self, n_batch, ps, simulator, compressor, simulator_args, compressor_args, seed_generator = None, sub_batch = 1): # Random seed generator: set to unsigned 32 bit int random numbers as default if seed_generator is None: seed_generator = lambda: np.random.randint(2147483647) # Dimension outputs data_samples = np.zeros((n_batch*sub_batch, self.D)) parameter_samples = np.zeros((n_batch*sub_batch, self.npar)) # Run samples assigned to each process, catching exceptions # (when simulator returns np.nan). i_prop = self.inds_prop[0] i_acpt = self.inds_acpt[0] err_msg = 'Simulator returns {:s} for parameter values: {} (rank {:d})' if self.progress_bar: pbar = tqdm(total = self.inds_acpt[-1], desc = "Simulations") while i_acpt <= self.inds_acpt[-1]: try: sims = simulator(ps[i_prop,:], seed_generator(), simulator_args, sub_batch) # Make sure the sims are the right shape if sub_batch == 1 and len(sims) != 1: sims = np.array([sims]) compressed_sims = np.array([compressor(sims[k], compressor_args) for k in range(sub_batch)]) if np.all(np.isfinite(compressed_sims.flatten())): data_samples[i_acpt*sub_batch:i_acpt*sub_batch+sub_batch,:] = compressed_sims parameter_samples[i_acpt*sub_batch:i_acpt*sub_batch+sub_batch,:] = ps[i_prop,:] i_acpt += 1 if self.progress_bar: pbar.update(1) else: print(err_msg.format('NaN/inf', ps[i_prop,:], self.rank)) except: print(err_msg.format('exception', ps[i_prop,:], self.rank)) i_prop += 1 # Reduce results from all processes and return data_samples = self.complete_array(data_samples) parameter_samples = self.complete_array(parameter_samples) return data_samples, parameter_samples
# EMCEE sampler
[docs] def emcee_sample(self, log_target=None, x0=None, burn_in_chain=100, main_chain=1000): # default log target if log_target is None: log_target = lambda x: self.log_posterior_stacked(x, # Set up default x0 if x0 is None: x0 = self.posterior_samples[np.random.choice(np.arange(len(self.posterior_samples)), p=self.posterior_weights.astype(np.float32)/sum(self.posterior_weights), replace=False, size=self.nwalkers),:] # Set up the sampler sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(self.nwalkers, self.npar, log_target) # Burn-in chain state = sampler.run_mcmc(x0, burn_in_chain) sampler.reset() # Main chain sampler.run_mcmc(state, main_chain) # pull out the unique samples and weights chain, weights = np.unique(sampler.get_chain(flat=True), axis=0, return_counts=True) # pull out the log probabilities log_prob, _ = np.unique(sampler.get_log_prob(flat=True), axis=0, return_counts=True) return chain, weights, log_prob
[docs] def sequential_training(self, simulator, compressor, n_initial, n_batch, n_populations, proposal = None, \ simulator_args = None, compressor_args = None, safety = 5, plot = True, batch_size = 100, \ validation_split = 0.1, epochs = 300, patience = 20, seed_generator = None, \ save_intermediate_posteriors = True, sub_batch = 1): # Set up the initial parameter proposal density if proposal is None: if self.input_normalization is 'fisher': proposal = priors.TruncatedGaussian(self.theta_fiducial, 9*self.Finv, self.lower, self.upper) elif self.Finv is not None: proposal = priors.TruncatedGaussian(self.theta_fiducial, 9*self.Finv, self.lower, self.upper) else: proposal = self.prior # Generate initial theta values from some broad proposal on # master process and share with other processes. Overpropose # by a factor of safety to (hopefully) cope gracefully with # the possibility of some bad proposals. Assign indices into # proposal array (self.inds_prop) and accepted arrays # (self.inds_acpt) to allow for easy MPI communication. if self.rank == 0: ps = np.array([proposal.draw() for i in range(safety * n_initial)]) else: ps = np.zeros((safety * n_initial, self.npar)) if self.use_mpi: self.comm.Bcast(ps, root=0) self.inds_prop = self.allocate_jobs(safety * n_initial) self.inds_acpt = self.allocate_jobs(n_initial) # Run simulations at those theta values xs_batch, ps_batch = self.run_simulation_batch(n_initial, ps, simulator, compressor, simulator_args, compressor_args, seed_generator = seed_generator, sub_batch = sub_batch) # Train on master only if self.rank == 0: # Construct the initial training-set self.load_simulations(xs_batch, ps_batch) # Train the network on these initial simulations self.train_ndes(training_data=[self.x_train, self.y_train], batch_size=max(self.n_sims//8, batch_size), validation_split=validation_split, epochs=epochs, patience=patience) self.stacked_sequential_training_loss.append(np.sum(np.array([self.training_loss[n][-1]*self.stacking_weights[n] for n in range(self.n_ndes)]))) self.stacked_sequential_validation_loss.append(np.sum(np.array([self.validation_loss[n][-1]*self.stacking_weights[n] for n in range(self.n_ndes)]))) self.sequential_nsims.append(self.n_sims) # Generate posterior samples if save_intermediate_posteriors: print('Sampling approximate posterior...') x0 = self.posterior_samples[np.random.choice(np.arange(len(self.posterior_samples)), p=self.posterior_weights.astype(np.float32)/sum(self.posterior_weights), replace=False, size=self.nwalkers),:] self.posterior_samples, self.posterior_weights, self.log_posterior_values = self.emcee_sample(x0=x0, main_chain=self.posterior_chain_length) # Save posterior samples to file f = open('{}posterior_samples_0.dat'.format(self.results_dir), 'w') np.savetxt(f, self.posterior_samples) f.close() print('Done.') # If plot == True, plot the current posterior estimate if plot == True: self.triangle_plot([self.posterior_samples], weights=[self.posterior_weights], savefig=True, \ filename='{}seq_train_post_0.pdf'.format(self.results_dir)) # Save attributes if save == True if == True: self.saver() # Loop through a number of populations for i in range(n_populations): # Propose theta values on master process and share with # other processes. Again, ensure we propose more sets of # parameters than needed to cope with bad params. if self.rank == 0: # Current population print('Population {}/{}'.format(i+1, n_populations)) # Sample the current posterior approximation print('Sampling proposal density...') x0 = self.proposal_samples[np.random.choice(np.arange(len(self.proposal_samples)), p=self.proposal_weights.astype(np.float32)/sum(self.proposal_weights), replace=False, size=self.nwalkers),:] self.proposal_samples, self.proposal_weights, self.log_proposal_values = \ self.emcee_sample(log_target = lambda x: self.log_geometric_mean_proposal_stacked(x,, x0=x0, main_chain=self.proposal_chain_length) ps_batch = self.proposal_samples[-safety * n_batch:,:] print('Done.') else: ps_batch = np.zeros((safety * n_batch, self.npar)) if self.use_mpi: self.comm.Bcast(ps_batch, root=0) # Run simulations self.inds_prop = self.allocate_jobs(safety * n_batch) self.inds_acpt = self.allocate_jobs(n_batch) xs_batch, ps_batch = self.run_simulation_batch(n_batch, ps_batch, simulator, compressor, simulator_args, compressor_args, seed_generator = seed_generator, sub_batch = sub_batch) # Train on master only if self.rank == 0: # Augment the training data self.add_simulations(xs_batch, ps_batch) # Train the network on these initial simulations self.train_ndes(training_data=[self.x_train, self.y_train], batch_size=max(self.n_sims//8, batch_size), validation_split=0.1, epochs=epochs, patience=patience) self.stacked_sequential_training_loss.append(np.sum(np.array([self.training_loss[n][-1]*self.stacking_weights[n] for n in range(self.n_ndes)]))) self.stacked_sequential_validation_loss.append(np.sum(np.array([self.validation_loss[n][-1]*self.stacking_weights[n] for n in range(self.n_ndes)]))) self.sequential_nsims.append(self.n_sims) # Generate posterior samples if save_intermediate_posteriors: print('Sampling approximate posterior...') x0 = self.posterior_samples[np.random.choice(np.arange(len(self.posterior_samples)), p=self.posterior_weights.astype(np.float32)/sum(self.posterior_weights), replace=False, size=self.nwalkers),:] self.posterior_samples, self.posterior_weights, self.log_posterior_values = \ self.emcee_sample(x0=x0, main_chain=self.posterior_chain_length) # Save posterior samples to file f = open('{}posterior_samples_{:d}.dat'.format(self.results_dir, i+1), 'w') np.savetxt(f, self.posterior_samples) f.close() print('Done.') # If plot == True if plot == True: # Plot the posterior self.triangle_plot([self.posterior_samples], weights=[self.posterior_weights], \ savefig=True, \ filename='{}seq_train_post_{:d}.pdf'.format(self.results_dir, i + 1)) # Plot training convergence if plot == True: # Plot the training loss convergence self.sequential_training_plot(savefig=True, filename='{}seq_train_loss.pdf'.format(self.results_dir))
[docs] def train_ndes(self, training_data=None, batch_size=100, validation_split=0.1, epochs=500, patience=20, mode='samples'): # Set the default training data if none if training_data is None: training_data = [self.x_train, self.y_train] # Train the networks for n in range(self.n_ndes): # Train the NDE val_loss, train_loss = self.trainer[n].train(self.sess, training_data, validation_split = validation_split, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, progress_bar=self.progress_bar, patience=patience, saver_name=self.graph_restore_filename, mode=mode) # Save the training and validation losses self.training_loss[n] = np.concatenate([self.training_loss[n], train_loss]) self.validation_loss[n] = np.concatenate([self.validation_loss[n], val_loss]) # Update weights for stacked density estimator self.stacking_weights = np.exp(-np.array([self.training_loss[i][-1] for i in range(self.n_ndes)])) self.stacking_weights = self.stacking_weights/sum(self.stacking_weights) # if save == True, save everything if == True: self.saver()
[docs] def load_simulations(self, xs_batch, ps_batch): # Set the input normalizations if None specified if self.input_normalization is None: self.p_mean = np.mean(ps_batch, axis = 0) self.p_std = np.std(ps_batch, axis = 0) self.x_mean = np.mean(xs_batch, axis = 0) self.x_std = np.std(xs_batch, axis = 0) ps_batch = (ps_batch - self.p_mean)/self.p_std xs_batch = (xs_batch - self.x_mean)/self.x_std = np.concatenate([, ps_batch]) self.xs = np.concatenate([self.xs, xs_batch]) self.x_train = self.y_train = self.xs.astype(np.float32) self.n_sims += len(ps_batch)
[docs] def add_simulations(self, xs_batch, ps_batch): ps_batch = (ps_batch - self.p_mean)/self.p_std xs_batch = (xs_batch - self.x_mean)/self.x_std = np.concatenate([, ps_batch]) self.xs = np.concatenate([self.xs, xs_batch]) self.x_train = self.y_train = self.xs.astype(np.float32) self.n_sims += len(ps_batch)
[docs] def fisher_pretraining(self, n_batch=5000, plot=True, batch_size=100, validation_split=0.1, epochs=1000, patience=20, mode='regression'): # Train on master only if self.rank == 0: # Generate fisher pre-training data # Broader proposal proposal = priors.TruncatedGaussian(self.theta_fiducial, 9*self.Finv, self.lower, self.upper) # Anticipated covariance of the re-scaled data Cdd = np.zeros((self.npar, self.npar)) for i in range(self.npar): for j in range(self.npar): Cdd[i,j] = self.Finv[i,j]/(self.fisher_errors[i]*self.fisher_errors[j]) Ldd = np.linalg.cholesky(Cdd) Cddinv = np.linalg.inv(Cdd) ln2pidetCdd = np.log(2*np.pi*np.linalg.det(Cdd)) # Sample parameters from some broad proposal ps = np.zeros((3*n_batch, self.npar)) for i in range(0, n_batch): # Draws from prior ps[i,:] = (self.prior.draw() - self.theta_fiducial)/self.fisher_errors # Draws from asymptotic posterior ps[n_batch + i,:] = (self.asymptotic_posterior.draw() - self.theta_fiducial)/self.fisher_errors # Drawn from Gaussian with 3x anticipated covariance matrix ps[2*n_batch + i,:] = (proposal.draw() - self.theta_fiducial)/self.fisher_errors # Sample data assuming a Gaussian likelihood xs = np.array([pss +, np.random.normal(0, 1, self.npar)) for pss in ps]) # Evaluate the logpdf at those values fisher_logpdf_train = np.array([-0.5*[i,:]-ps[i,:],, xs[i,:]-ps[i,:])) - 0.5*ln2pidetCdd for i in range(len(xs))]) # Construct the initial training-set fisher_x_train = ps.astype(np.float32).reshape((3*n_batch, self.npar)) fisher_y_train = xs.astype(np.float32).reshape((3*n_batch, self.npar)) # Train the networks depending on the chosen mode (regression = default) if mode == "regression": # Train the networks on these initial simulations self.train_ndes(training_data=[fisher_x_train, fisher_y_train, np.atleast_2d(fisher_logpdf_train).reshape(-1,1)], validation_split = validation_split, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, patience=patience, mode='regression') if mode == "samples": # Train the networks on these initial simulations self.train_ndes(training_data=[fisher_x_train, fisher_y_train], validation_split = validation_split, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, patience=patience, mode='samples') # Generate posterior samples if plot==True: print('Sampling approximate posterior...') x0 = self.posterior_samples[np.random.choice(np.arange(len(self.posterior_samples)), p=self.posterior_weights.astype(np.float32)/sum(self.posterior_weights), replace=False, size=self.nwalkers),:] self.posterior_samples, self.posterior_weights, self.log_posterior_values = \ self.emcee_sample(x0=x0, main_chain=self.posterior_chain_length) print('Done.') # Plot the posterior self.triangle_plot([self.posterior_samples], weights=[self.posterior_weights], \ savefig=True, \ filename='{}fisher_train_post.pdf'.format(self.results_dir))
[docs] def triangle_plot(self, samples = None, weights = None, savefig = False, filename = None): # Set samples to the posterior samples by default if samples is None: samples = self.posterior_samples mc_samples = [MCSamples(samples=s, weights=weights[i], names=self.names, labels=self.labels, ranges=self.ranges) for i, s in enumerate(samples)] # Triangle plot plt.close() with mpl.rc_context(): g = plots.getSubplotPlotter(width_inch = 12) g.settings.figure_legend_frame = False g.settings.alpha_filled_add=0.6 g.settings.axes_fontsize=14 g.settings.legend_fontsize=16 g.settings.lab_fontsize=20 g.triangle_plot(mc_samples, filled_compare=True, normalized=True) for i in range(0, len(samples[0][0,:])): for j in range(0, i+1): ax = g.subplots[i,j] xtl = ax.get_xticklabels() #ax.set_xticklabels(xtl, rotation=45) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0) if savefig: plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight') if self.show_plot: else: plt.close()
[docs] def sequential_training_plot(self, savefig = False, filename = None): plt.close() columnwidth = 18 # cm aspect = 1.67 pts_per_inch = 72.27 inch_per_cm = 2.54 width = columnwidth/inch_per_cm with mpl.rc_context({'figure.figsize': [width, width / aspect], 'backend': 'pdf', 'font.size': 15, 'legend.fontsize': 15, 'legend.frameon': False, 'legend.loc': 'best', 'lines.markersize': 3, 'lines.linewidth': .5, 'axes.linewidth': .5, 'axes.edgecolor': 'black'}): # Trace plot of the training and validation loss as a function of the number of simulations ran plt.plot(self.sequential_nsims, self.stacked_sequential_training_loss, markersize=5, marker='o', lw=2, alpha=0.7, label = 'training loss') plt.plot(self.sequential_nsims, self.stacked_sequential_validation_loss, markersize=5, marker='o', lw=2, alpha=0.7, label = 'validation loss') plt.xlabel(r'number of simulations, $n_\mathrm{sims}$') plt.ylabel(r'negative log loss, $-\mathrm{ln}\,U$') plt.tight_layout() plt.legend() if savefig: plt.savefig(filename) if self.show_plot: else: plt.close()